"There is no such thing as coincidence, there is only the inevitable..."


Thursday, July 1, 2010


1. What are the limitations that the elderly face?
-  They have the inconvenience of walking on uneven pavements or stairs in the public. Examples are like the overhead bridges and the uneven walkways as the elderly might trip and fall.

2. How can we integrate the use of technology to help the elderly lead a better life? 
-  Modern technology has become so advanced and would continue to be in the future. The sciences can help the elderly live a better life. Current products can be modified to suit better for the elderly.

3. Can the elderly lead a more independent life? 
- Those elderly whose children have left them in homes or by themselves would need to learn how to be independent.


  1. Some good questions to begin with. The next step would be to identify some of these questions further. Your first one leaves some good possible solutions that you might want to take a look at!

  2. The questions are useful and relevant to the aging challenge.

  3. The questions are good and will help the elderly. They are also specific. The questions are also not that subjective so it is good :D

  4. The questions asked are good. The explanation gives me quite a clear picture of the things the elderly face. I especially like Q2's explanation, the part where we can modify current products to make them better.
